Use of Cookies

Cookies Policy
"Wixi Global OU" (collectively, "Wixi Global OU", "Company" "us" or "we") understand that Your privacy is important to you and are committed to being transparent about the technologies it uses. This Cookie Policy explains how and why cookies, web beacons, pixels and other similar technologies may be stored on and accessed from your device when You use or visit website and explains the different types of cookies used on the Site and how you can control them. We may change this Cookie Policy at any time. This Cookie Policy should be read together with our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions.


Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device and holds a certain amount of data, which our website can send to your browser. It may then be stored on your computer's hard drive and can be accessed by our web server. This cookie data can then be retrieved and can allow us to customise our web pages and services accordingly. It is important to clarify that cookies do not collect any personal data stored on your hard drive or computer.

2.1. The Company uses Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies to identify You and Your interests, to remember Your preferences, and to track Your use of our Sites. We also use Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies to control access to certain content on our Sites, protect the Sites, and to process any requests that you make of us.


3.1. We use cookie data in connection with our ordinary activities and the different solutions we offer. We also use cookies for the compilation of statistics which, for example, can be used to improve our websites and tailor the experience to your needs. We also use some cookies in our marketing.

3.2. Cookies cannot be used to identify you as a person, but we can use the information about the websites visited from your computer together with the other data held about you. We obviously only use the data in accordance with the applicable legislation.


4.1. Revocation of consent and refusal of cookies. The first time you use one of our websites or apps, a message will be shown about the use of cookies. You consent to the use of cookies by clicking "✓" If you do not click "✓"no consent is given, and no cookies are placed except for those necessary for our websites to function. However, we store a cookie to remember your choice, and, in connection with your next visit to the website, no other cookies will be used if you have not chosen "OK".


We use the following categories of "cookies":

● Mandatory "cookies" are required for the operation of our website. For example, login cookies that allow you to stay on the Company system when you scroll through the ribbon.
● Analytical "cookies", which are used for internal analytics and include cookies from suppliers such as Google Analytics.
● Personalization "cookies" to customize content, including the reclaim you see on the Company's website(s).

Mandatory "cookies"
●Your settings, such as language selection and privacy, are saved in the mandatory cookies.
● Mandatory "cookies" are one way to ensure your network security. For example, we use them to prevent attempts to hack into Company accounts or detect spammers.

Analytical "cookies"
● Analytical "cookies" help us create/update a more convenient website for you. For example, we can use cookies to find out how many people have used a feature and how often, and whether people open messages that we send them.

Cookies for "personalization"
● Using cookies, we can track which whiteboards, people or sites you have acted on.


Almost all browsers allow to delete "cookies" located on your hard drive, prohibit them or notify the user before saving them. If you don't allow cookies to be saved or if you delete them, your ability to work with user settings and preferences, as well as your ability to customize your personal interface, may be significantly restricted.

Your declaration of consent

Yes, I have read the text above and I give my consent.